I copied this list- it‘s a bit OUT OF DATE ! Furthermore, I can‘t put copyrighted tunes here, so this is for old recordings, and will be for jams in the future.
actual stuff: see
LOW MP3 QUALITY 24/48kb/s
•03 EE-backforward.mp3 (TF) examen Concert 2000, with Jawa Jazz Trio: TF piano, Stefan Pliquett bass Yonga Sun drums, Horn Section: Kilan Hübinger as, Christian Mallach ts, Arijen Reeser tb, Alex von Sommerfeldt tp (2.2MB)
"06 EE-26-2-Softly.mp3"(Coltrane, arr TF),same concert, Jawa Trio and voice action with Kenji Ueno, Magdalena Strandell , (4.5MB)
•"01 EE-OlddevilMoon.mp3.Cindy Wielders.
•Some straight Jazz : Eike Drück-ts,as,bandleader, Jan Flubacher-bs, Markus Möller -dms. playing thisDahoodMahlerEike.mp3…" in Spring'00 (3.7MB)
•"SprooqTheWalk.mp3" ,(TF/Strandell) with the project"Sprooq" 2000/2001 Magdalena Strandell voc,lyr, Raphael Stolarski gtr/lyr, Tim Rashid bs, Peter Härtel dms, rehearsal take (1.5MB)
•"Muscles&Bones-SO.mp3s",(TF,Kalk) with the Band "Sister Orange"1998, Sabine Kalk voc. Benji Schaub gtr, Gerd Peitzmeyer bs, Jochem Kail dms, rehearsal take (1.4MB)
•Songs I wrote with "Cheese Grooves", a highschool project with Kjell Jakobsen gtr, Tim Rashid bs, Christina Plein voc,lyr, Philipp Behrends dms, Spring 2000. We had spare time to prepare so there's even no sheet music: I can't remember all titles! So here's ChesseGrooves1.mp3(1.6MB)Chessegrooves2.mp3 (1.7MB) Rockn'Roll !
•JawaGiantMahler.mp3" (Coltrane, arr:TF,Jawa) with Jawa Jazz Trio, Spring 1999 (1.9MB)
•This is some "PlanB.mp3, a frequent meeting of two ole friends, making SKETCHES in trash punk jazz.Guitar: Felix Karweick. Absolutely…yeah(960KB)… for specialists
•A Minor Third based DuoDuo_UlliMONO.mp3 with Uli Bialas dms('97?) (232KB)
•"MF5AlliNeed.mp3"(Air) The Merrily Floating Five: Ayesha de groot-voc, Gregor Hengesbach-gtr, TF-pn, Jan Flubacher-bs, Philipp Behrends-dms. A familiy take: One year old robin sabotating the recording session.
(TheMerrilyFloating Five, without Gregor at this time, from the left: Ayesha, Thomas, Jan, Philipp, photo:Bart Rouwen, Antwerpen)
2.Studio Recordings
•The Minimal Orchestra(Jawa Jazz Trio)-MONOCHROMES with Stefan Pliquett-bassYonga Sun-drums Recorded Dec 2002 Arnhem, The Netherlands 04 Coreology.mp3, 02 EasternTango.mp3 NIL.mp3
•The Niko Schabel Quartet: Niko Schabel, -sax, Marcel Jung, -bass, Julian Waiblinger -drums, Thomas Finke -fender rhodes 02 Track 02.mp3 03 Track 03.mp3 06 Track 06.mp3
•Frank Frai-Alcehmy, with: Frank Frai-sax, Oliver Schlüter-gtr, Miguel-dms Recorded near Berlin Spring 2003 You can hear it somewhere at phonector
•Frank Heibert & Finkophon Unlimited "The best Thing On Four Feet". See more at LAIKA Records With Beni Reimann and Roland Fidezius